Program: Trust the Whisper

Program: Trust the Whisper
Thursday, November 21
9:45 AM

Parish Center

We are blessed to have award winning author and speaker Kathy Izard come to Christ the King from Charlotte, N.C. to share her compelling stories that help will help us connect the “God Dots” in our lives. Sharing her own and others’ experiences of moving from a place of doubt that a higher power even exists to being certain about God’s divine presence, Kathy offers us the courage to recognize God’s guidance in our own lives. She helps us trust our deepest intuition, be powerfully present, embrace the unexpected, and risk believing in the dreams God is quietly urging us to follow.
Receive a copy of Kathy's latest book, Trust the Whisper, if you attend and Kathy will sign your copy after speaking! Kathy is also the author of A Hundred Story Home and Grace Heard a Whisper. Books can be purchased at Interbang Books on Lover's Lane.

Limited Space Available! 

Join us!

Arrive at 9:30 a.m. to mingle and enjoy refreshments and snacks. The program will begin at 10:00 a.m. and last an hour.  




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Program: Trust the Whisper
8017 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 365-1200
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