First Friday Adoration

First Friday Adoration
Friday, February 7
Following 8:00 AM Mass


Eucharistic adoration is the act of worshipping God as He is present in the consecrated Eucharist.  In gazing in adoration at the consecrated Host, we discover the gift of God’s love. Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament, in prayer and devotion, is exactly the same as spending time before the living God.  It is precisely through our gazing in adoration that the Lord draws us towards him into his mystery in order to transform us as he transforms the bread and the wine.  We are in the sacramental presence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ where we can place ourselves and our loved ones in the hands of Jesus. 

If you have never experienced Eucharistic Adoration, and whether you only have a few minutes or the time to make an entire “holy hour”, here are some suggestions:

During that time, thank Our Lord for His Presence in all of the tabernacles of the world. Affirm your belief that His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity are present within those tabernacles. Pray for those who do not believe in Our Lord and those who do not acknowledge His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.  Later, you might include reading a few verses of the Bible, saying some decades of the Holy Rosary, to expand your prayers to the needs and desires of your family.

“In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host.  Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful.”

Pope Benedict XVI – from his meeting with members of the Roman clergy on March 2, 2008

“By praying before the Blessed Sacrament, we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace.  We contemplate the face of Christ.  This aspect of Eucharistic worship prolongs and increases the fruits of our communion in the body and blood of the Lord.  It provides an opportunity to express our gratitude and love.

St. John Paul II, from Ecclesia de Eucharistia

First Friday Adoration
8017 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 365-1200
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